High-Throughput sequencing

High-throughput sequencing allows the analysis, at the single-based resolution, of the genome, transcriptome, and epigenome. The Genomics Core Facility has established a large portfolio of protocols to study genome variation, somatic events, transcriptional changes, and DNA-protein interaction, among others. We provide adjustable set-ups for both larger and smaller projects. Please contact the Core Facility for specific pricing and an advisory meeting.
Exome sequencing (WES)
It provides sequencing information for all protein-coding genes in a genome (approx. 2% of the genome). We have established different protocols for exome sequencing, including the Twist Comprehensive Exome, an in-solution capturing system. This combines performance, updated content, and price. Additional Agilent and Illumina, exome capture systems can be performed for humans and other species.
Whole genome sequencing (WGS)
PCR and PCR-free whole genome sequencing protocols are available using different library construction protocols. Various coverages are offered to serve different needs, from Ultra-Low Pass WGS, to study copy number changes in tissue and blood (liquid biopsies), to high-coverage tumour normal sequencing of cancer samples. 
Cancer panels & Liquid Biopsies
Cancer panels deliver a cost-effective alternative for targeted resequencing of cancer-specific regions of the genome. We offer several cancer-related panels from different providers. Please contact us if we have your favourite panel.
  • Illumina TruSight Oncology 500 is a capture-based panel optimized for the detection of low-frequent somatic mutations in tumour samples from FFPE and fresh frozen material. The panel analyses 523 genes frequency mutated in solid tumours, as well as microsatellite instability (MSI) and tumour mutational burden (TMB).
  • AmpliSeq for Illumina offers a highly multiplexed PCR-based workflow to selectively amplify tens to hundreds of genes in a single run. Multiple ready-to-use panels are available, as well as custom solutions. 
  • ArcherDx LIQUIDPlex panel offers predesigned and custom panels for sensitive detection of circulating tumour DNA (ctDNA) in body fluids.   
RNA-Sequencing (RNA-Seq)
RNA sequencing provides transcriptome profiling, capable of determining expression levels, transcriptome structure, and fusion genes among others. The following protocols are established at the Genomics Core Facility
  • Illumina TruSeq Stranded mRNA protocol for sequencing of the protein-coding transcripts using mRNA selection.
  • Illumina Total Stranded RNA protocol for sequencing of protein-coding and long non-coding RNAs above 150 bp (available for human, rat, mouse, yeast, E. coli, and Globin depletion for blood samples).
  • RNA-Exome, a protocol for sequencing of protein-coding transcripts for low-quality samples (degraded samples, FFPE samples) and very low inputs of starting material. Capture content using the TWIST Comprehensive exome.
  • Lexogen QuantSeq 3' mRNA-Seq protocol provides a cost-effective, genome-wide gene expression analysis. QuantSeq protocol is suitable for low input (1 ng total RNA) and FFPE samples.
RRBS Methyl-Seq
Fast and scalable solution for producing Methyl-Seq libraries using the Ovartion Reduced Representation Bisulfite Sequencing system to analyze DNA methylation genome-wide. 
Small RNA-Seq
Small RNA analysis is a powerful application for the discovery and profiling of microRNAs and other non-coding small RNAs for any organism, without prior genome annotation. The TruSeq Small RNA protocol enables the most accurate detection and quantification of small RNA sequences.
Contact us for a meeting to discuss the options we can provide.



Jun 1, 2024

The Genomics Core Facility will not accept new sample submissions over the summer break. The deadline for submission is noon on Friday, July 5th. We will reopen on Tuesday, July 30th. The sequencing of existing projects will continue, although turnaround times may be longer than usual.

We wish all our users a good summer

May 23, 2024

The First Visium HD service was performed this week. High demand for this new technology to study spatial biology at single–cell–scale resolution.

Contact Information:


Daily Leader Core Facility
Susanne Lorenz, PhD


Head of Core Facility
Leonardo A. Meza-Zepeda, Dr. philos.


Follow us via Twitter


Visiting address:

Genomics Core Facility (Room 3-F8-04)
Department of Core facilities
Institute for Cancer Research
New OCCI-building 
Norwegian Radium Hospital 
Ullernchaussen 66, Lamell 3, 2B 
NO-0379 Oslo, NORWAY

+47 - 9183 2772 Laboratory
+47 - 9183 3425 Office
