Price examples* for different applications and services
* Price is estimated when payment is made from an Oslo University Hospital account. VAT for the service may apply if paid from other sources.

Prices may vary with the number of samples per project and currency exchange rate. For exact pricing please contact us at Genomics-Core@ous-research. (FC: Flow Cell, SR: Single Read, PE: Paired-End, 1 Cycle = 1 base).

Sequencing Services. Price per Flow Cell

MiSeq Flow Cells

  • MiSeq Reagent Kit v3 (150-cycle): 18 700 NOK
  • MiSeq Reagent Kit v3 (600-cycle): 31 500 NOK
  • MiSeq Reagent Kit v2 (50-cycles): 16 800 NOK
  • MiSeq Reagent Kit v2 (300-cycles): 21 600 NOK
  • MiSeq Reagent Kit v2 (500-cycles): 24 250 NOK
  • MiSeq Reagent Micro Kit v2 (300-cycles): 9 100 NOK
  • MiSeq Reagent Nano Kit v2 (300-cycles): 6 500 NOK

NextSeq 500 v2.5 Flow Cells

  • Mid Output 150 cycles: 22 300 NOK
  • Mid Output 300 cycles: 35 900 NOK
  • High Output 75 cycles: 30 600 NOK
  • High Output 150 cycles: 58 500 NOK
  • High Output 300 cycles: 93 700 NOK

NovaSeq 6000 Flow Cells

  • NovaSeq 6000 SP Reagent Kit v1.5 (100 cycles): 35 300 NOK
  • NovaSeq 6000 SP Reagent Kit v1.5 (200 cycles): 48 900 NOK
  • NovaSeq 6000 SP Reagent Kit v1.5 (300 cycles): 53 400 NOK
  • NovaSeq 6000 SP Reagent Kit v1.5 (500 cycles): 74 700 NOK
  • NovaSeq 6000 S1 Reagent Kit v1.5 (100 cycles): 68 500 NOK
  • NovaSeq 6000 S1 Reagent Kit v1.5 (200 cycles): 86 300 NOK
  • NovaSeq 6000 S1 Reagent Kit v1.5 (300 cycles): 88 200 NOK
  • NovaSeq 6000 S2 Reagent Kit v1.5 (100 cycles): 129 000 NOK
  • NovaSeq 6000 S2 Reagent Kit v1.5 (200 cycles): 160 100 NOK
  • NovaSeq 6000 S2 Reagent Kit v1.5 (300 cycles): 170 700 NOK
  • NovaSeq 6000 S4 Reagent Kit v1.5 (35 cycles): 179 900 NOK
  • NovaSeq 6000 S4 Reagent Kit v1.5 (200 cycles): 223 200 NOK
  • NovaSeq 6000 S4 Reagent Kit v1.5 (300 cycles): 248 700 NOK
  • NovaSeq 6000 S4 Reagent Kit v1.5 (300 cycles, ONE Lane): 64 900 NOK

Examples of sequencing services per sample, including service and sequencing (Prices based on optimal sample numbers. Prices per sample can vary considerably based on project size)
Whole Exome Sequencing, TWIST Core Exome + RefSeq ~100x (~50 M PE reads. PE 150 bp): from 4 250 NOK

Whole Exome Sequencing, TWIST Core Exome + RefSeq ~300x (~150 M PE reads. PE 150 bp): from 6 900 NOK

Whole Genome Sequencing ~30x (300-350 M PE reads. PE 150 bp): from 9 950 NOK (24 samples on one S4 FC)

Whole Genome Sequencing ~90x (900-1050 M PE reads. PE 150 bp): from 27 850 NOK (8 samples on one S4 FC)

Total RNA Sequencing (60-80 M PE reads. PE 150 bp): from 5 550 NOK (24 samples on one S4 lane)

mRNA Sequencing (30-40 M PE reads. PE 150 bp): from 3 150 NOK (48 samples on one S4 lane)

Lexogen QuantSeq 3'RNA Sequencing (5-7 M SR reads. SR 100 bp) : from 1 500 NOK (96 samples on one SP FC)

Basic RNA-Seq analysis package (Mapping, counting, normalization): 500 NOK/sample

NEW!!! Reduced Representation Bisulfite Sequencing (RRBS) on NovaSeq, Nugen Ovation (40 M reads. PE 2x75 bp): from 4 300 NOK 

AmpliSeq for Illumina panels, including basic analysis

  • Cancer Hotspot Panel v2: from 2 500 NOK
  • Focus Panel: from 3 900 NOK
  • Comprehensive Panel v3: from 6 400 NOK

Quality control and quantification of libraries1-5 libraries/pools: 1 500 NOK

NanoString Services

Service fee per cartridge (12 assays): 5 700 NOK 

Assay prices vary from 1 715 to 3 935 Euros for 12 samples plus VAT, please ask for the specific price of your assay. 

Additional reagent costs: 300 Euros plus VAT

Single Cell Services, including sequencing (10x Genomics platform)*

5' or 3' scRNA-Seq: from 30 000 NOK/sample (when processing 12 samples, 5 000 cells/sample, 30K reads/cell)

5' or 3' scRNA-Seq: from 33 500 NOK/sample (when processing 8 samples, 5 000 cells/sample, 50K reads/cell)

5' scRNA-Seq + TCR/BCR + Feature Barcoding: from 39 100 NOK/sample  (when processing 8 samples, 5 000 cells/sample, 30K reads/cell)

* Recommended number of reads per cell will depend on the cell type.

Spatial Transcriptomics Services, 10x Genomics Visium and Visium HD, NanoString GeoMx Digital Spatial Profiler platforms*

Please contact the Genomics Core Facility to discuss your project and price estimation. 

Price examples above include personnel costs based on 950 NOK/h. External invoicing will be subjected to additional VAT for personnel costs.

Covaris LE2200 Evolution, instrument fee: 1 000 NOK/per run



Dec 3, 2024

Excited to get the first Element Biosciences AVITI24 instrument installed in Europe. This will strengthen the Genomics Core Facility portfolio of services to support cutting-edge research at OUS, UiO and Norway.

Jun 1, 2024

The Genomics Core Facility will not accept new sample submissions over the summer break. The deadline for submission is noon on Friday, July 5th. We will reopen on Tuesday, July 30th. The sequencing of existing projects will continue, although turnaround times may be longer than usual.

We wish all our users a good summer

Contact Information:

Daily Leader Core Facility
Susanne Lorenz, PhD

Head of Core Facility
Leonardo A. Meza-Zepeda, Dr. philos.

Follow us via Twitter


Visiting address:

Genomics Core Facility (Room 3-F8-04)
Department of Core facilities
Institute for Cancer Research
New OCCI-building 
Norwegian Radium Hospital 
Ullernchaussen 66, Lamell 3, 2B 
NO-0379 Oslo, NORWAY

+47 - 9183 2772 Laboratory
+47 - 9183 3425 Office
