First Visium HD service
The First Visium HD service was performed this week. High demand for this new technology to study spatial biology at single–cell–scale resolution.
Visium HD empowers a new era of spatial discovery, enhancing whole transcriptome spatial analysis with single–cell–scale resolution and continuous tissue coverage. The. new Visium HD uses innovative probe-based chemistry and the Visium CytAssist platform.
More information at the 10x Genomics webpage or contact us to discuss your project
The Genomics Core Facility will not accept new sample submissions over the summer break. The deadline for submission is noon on Friday, July 5th. We will reopen on Tuesday, July 30th. The sequencing of existing projects will continue, although turnaround times may be longer than usual.
We wish all our users a good summer
The First Visium HD service was performed this week. High demand for this new technology to study spatial biology at single–cell–scale resolution.
Contact Information:
Daily Leader Core Facility
Susanne Lorenz, PhD
Head of Core Facility
Leonardo A. Meza-Zepeda, Dr. philos.
Follow us via Twitter
Visiting address:
Genomics Core Facility (Room 3-F8-04)
Department of Core facilities
Institute for Cancer Research
New OCCI-building
Norwegian Radium Hospital
Ullernchaussen 66, Lamell 3, 2B
NO-0379 Oslo, NORWAY
+47 - 9183 2772 Laboratory
+47 - 9183 3425 Office