Bioinformatics service
The Core Facility provides free experimental design consultation. Based on the user’s needs, we provide different levels of bioinformatics analysis, i.e. preprocessing of data, normalization, statistical analysis, annotation, gene ontology, and pathway analysis, in collaboration with the Bioinformatics Core Facility.
Primary and secondary analysis is performed using the Illumina DRAGEN (Dynamic Read Analysis for GENomics) Bio-IT Platform at the Genomics Core Facility. This platform provides accurate, ultra-rapid primary and secondary genomic analysis of sequencing data. Multiple workflows are available.

Illumina DRAGEN Bio-IT Platform v3.9
DNA Pipeline (SNV/Indel, Copy Number Variants, Structural Variants, Repeat expansion, Ploidy, and more)
RNA Pipeline (Gene expression, Gene fusions, Variant calling, Single Cell)
Methylation Pipeline
Amplicon Pipeline
Pricing will include a license fee per Gb of data processed and personnel costs per hour. Contact us for more information.
The Genomics Core Facility has a close collaboration with the University of Oslo/Oslo University Hospital Bioinformatics core facility, which can assist in higher-level analysis.
Dec 3, 2024
Excited to get the first Element Biosciences AVITI24 instrument installed in Europe. This will strengthen the Genomics Core Facility portfolio of services to support cutting-edge research at OUS, UiO and Norway.
Jun 1, 2024
The Genomics Core Facility will not accept new sample submissions over the summer break. The deadline for submission is noon on Friday, July 5th. We will reopen on Tuesday, July 30th. The sequencing of existing projects will continue, although turnaround times may be longer than usual.
We wish all our users a good summer
Daily Leader Core Facility
Susanne Lorenz, PhD
Head of Core Facility
Leonardo A. Meza-Zepeda, Dr. philos.
Follow us via Twitter
Visiting address:
Genomics Core Facility (Room 3-F8-04)
Department of Core facilities
Institute for Cancer Research
New OCCI-building
Norwegian Radium Hospital
Ullernchaussen 66, Lamell 3, 2B
NO-0379 Oslo, NORWAY
+47 - 9183 2772 Laboratory
+47 - 9183 3425 Office